FIG Working Week 2020, Amsterdam 10-14 maj

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The FIG Working Week 2020 in Amsterdam is addressing the following overall theme:

Smart Surveyors for Land and Water Management

This theme is relevant both for the Netherlands and internationally in a world where drinking water is a scarce resource, waste water needs to be recycled rather than seen as waste, where the sea needs to be better mapped and managed, where land resources need to be protected against sea-level rise, and where land-based fresh water habitats are threatened.

The technical programme will offer you a varied selection of sessions and presentations within all fields of surveying that are covered by the 10 FIG Commissions. Institutional Partners of the Working Week are UN-GGIM, UN-Habitat/GLTN and FAO.



The Working Week is not only consisting of a technical programme during the three conference days 11-13 May 2020. Also pre- and post-events are offered to give you extra possibility for absorption in one of the following topics:

  • Scaling Up – Fit For Purpose Land Administration (9-10 May)
  • Surveying and BIM Classroom (9 May)
  • Plastic Mapathon - hackaton focusing on finding innovative ways to map plastic & Plastic Survey (9-10 May)
  • Parcel Management Solution - by Esri (10 May)
  • 5th Young Surveyors Conference (9-10 May)


A comprehensive tour: Dutch land- and water management - Water management on land - How water shaped spatial planning and development in the Netherlands (14 May)


Technical tours

In parallel with the technical programme during the three conference days you can sign up for technical tours which give you a unique possibility to learn more about and explore the host country in a way you would not be able to as a tourist. The following tours are planned (pre-registration is needed, there is limited number of seatss available and all tours are based on a minimum number of participants)). These tours will show you around both in Amsterdam, e.g. at the port of Amsterdam, expand your horizons at GeoFort, visit Geodan a Dutch geo-information company, learn about the Delft Railway Area project and other special tours. See all tours:


FIGs nyhetsbrev dec 2019/jan 2020


Publicerat: Torsdag 30 Januari